Why are so many 'Solved' posts on forums NOT Solved?
It's a strange thing to see, how many have searched for 'My <- insert device here -> won't satisfy my needs.....Only to be greated with false hope....SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED To the rescue or not.
Here's a typical example, lots of people asking the same question, the true solution is below if you really want to know but let's stick with this for now, apparently here's the only reply and it's marked as 'Solved'
Is this real solution? We'll never know as there's no feedback or confirmation that it did anything at all, and to suggest to someone who's ability is obviously not technical as they wouldn't be asking such a common question to take apart a Camera is ridiculous.
Wonder if it's anything to do with the site in question posting 'Solved' issues to boost their false image that what they do works, when it doesn't.
Nooooo! they wouldn't do that, it's such a respectable site used by thousands....Maybe that's why some people appear a bit dumb on the www as all they are doing is going round in circles repeating the Copy/Paste answers from other 'Solved' <- Wrong! posts and that's the problem right there.
I usually find the more bigger and 'trusted' the site is the more shite is spread on the www from that source, let's take 2 real life examples:
Rockwells 'review' site, sorry but it's just an early affiliate sales site with some Tech info, available anywhere, made to look like some sort of 'reference' or interweb 'bible' for info....people sending others there as if it makes what they might be trying to say more valid....Err it's not, to me it feels like a cheesy scam 90's sales site, there are snippets of info in there but nothing you can't find elsewhere and how do I think this? The more you read it the more you realise, he almost loves everything new, it's the best of the best, even sometimes slating his previous 'It's the best of the best, it's either the best or not, make your bleeding mind up, one minute it's the best, then when something new replaces it the old is sluggish and....Boring, photography is slow most times and if you are finding constant issues, maybe your using the wrong tool for the task in hand.
Don't get me wrong, it has some useful info but to treat it like some sort of internet approval system is nonsense, which leads me to iFixit:
The only glaringly obvious thing I noticed on iFixit as I'm not a regular visitor is that on every and I mean every, go check later, article about Nikon gear has a link or reference to Phillips Screwdrivers....WRONG! You use JIS Screwdrivers on Nikon gear, ask ANY decent Camera Technician, any! The most reason screws are damaged is using the wrong screwdriver and the most common culprit is Phillips Screwdrivers so if you go there and see that and you don't know about JIS, then off you go to potentially damage your own gear with iFixits seal of approval, another example of ignorance or just sales BS, what makes it ironic is they sell JIS Screwdrivers!
Ignorance, deliberate, a mistake! the only choices, all options not good options for a 'reference' site and allowing the article writers to promote the wrongness, who are they if they don't know you use JIS only, probably bored at home copy/pasting from another 'Solved' post from the other 'Reference' site.....
Has anyone informed them, you would have thought so but maybe not? If so, why hasn't it changed, maybe the sales of Phillips made them forget or genuinely ignorant to the fact that Phillips are the wrong tool and now so do potentially thousands of others but the www makes people lazy so to be expected.
ALWAYS, make sure you have more than one reference when learning, do not take one persons word for it, find people with real life experiences in doing things, not sales sites disguised as helping, the most depressing thing is they've already informed thousands of innocent fools with wrong information and there's no going back, well done!
Solved nothing!
The real answer to the original question:
It's a matter of elimination, the system works in a certain way to certain instructions, follow the path and if you hear silence then that's what is not working, in this case:
Card: Does it fit properly, does it work in other Cameras, is it compatible with the Camera System, is it genuine, is it damaged, are the holes clear and clean.
Camera: Does the card fit properly, no obstacles or dirt, does it have a full battery, is the firmware up to date, is Preview on or off, is the front cap off the lens!
Pins: Are they clean, no obstructions, not bent or broken, are they stable in place.
Test: *Format Card, in Camera, twice. *Press Play >, what does the screen say, take notes. *Take a picture, 1. *Does it show up on Preview Screen if turned on. *Press Play > what does the screen say, take notes. *Take Card out and try in another Camera, same model if possible and not PC yet. *Press Play
> what does it say, take notes. *Try card in card reader on PC. *Each outcome will lead to a path, some dead ends and that's when you need to try something else, when all else fails then you'll know if it can be fixed and how or not.
Have a Card that was available at the time when the Camera was released.
If using 2 of the same Cameras for testing make sure the Firmware is the same on both.
Sometimes if you don't have the proper tools for testing then you can't check every possibility so will never diagnose the issue fully.
Use 2 different aged cards, one older, one newer as not are all compatible.
Don't use one sources answer, even to what might seem like a simple issue, ever, always confirm, especially if a 'fix' might potentially damage the Camera any further if it's wrong.
Or it could just be Nikons common non working sensor issue, my D200 is a victim of this fault, if you want reliability use Mechanical Cameras and Film, learn to develop it yourself and you're halfway there, I always wondered why one would use disposable Cameras for reliable ones and call it progress!
Or go here where I had a similar issue: