
I've moved the links from the side panel as they deserve more respect than being dumped on the sideline without who, what or where.

Nikon Lens DataA passionate personal database for most Nikon Lens ever made, beautiful detail including serial numbers, specifications and accessories and a good Nikon D Series spec list. Links to other useful sites. - The No.1 place to start anywhere for superbly indexed reliable Lens information. (REF)
The Thousand And One NightsStraight from the horses mouth, some very nice history and development stories of their equipment. Information rich and a good historic reference site. (REF)
Nikon F Collection and Typology A personal collection of mostly Nikon F equipment with detailed images. Another superb reference site, includes some Digital Camera info, an extensively detailed work of passion. (REF)
Moment CorpNikon Lens Reviews by Fredrik A. Rasmussen - An excellent older personal archive of many Nikon Lenses and Equipment.
THE R&L NIKKOR TABLESThe R&L Nikkor Tables combine two subjective evaluations of mostly classical Nikon
lenses by David Ruether and Grover Larkins. - Contains some really useful info and views from 2 extremely experienced Photographers/Technicians
Robert Allen Kautz
No Ads and a massive personal resource by someone who's serious enough but not enough to cram crap in your face. A lovely to look at and use site full of very useful information without any BS. (REF)