No website 'needs' Cookies, it's all Lies....
Of course if it's a site you need to login to or banking etc....Then obviously as it's the only method of remembering you, if you didn't know, but what we are talking about is all those Data gatherers who claim 'They are 'required' to better your experience....blah blah blag'
It's mumbo jumbo I tell you, if you don't need to log on to a site then NO site needs to use Cookies or Web Bugs or Fingerprinting ,ha! etc....Yes they still exist, or any other method of 'making' your visit better....Don't believe me, go look for yourself, plus I used to develop Wordpress Sites and am from the days before CSS was a thing and even that Flash monster so have seen the www change from simplicity when it worked to the point where it now needs you to give up your personal info to look at pictures of Cats.....
Even trying to get Pron sites to get more ID from users before entering the other level world so they could identify users if the men in black suits wanted your boring life in their HD's, luckily the owners laugh at such restrictions, they don't care who watches because they can't stop those who 'legally' should'nt be there, technology is the Anons money shot....
The truth is, that is what happens to people when they use the www too much, it turns their brain too mushy peas, robots on the street walking into things, people, my mate had to go to the Hospital as he walked onto an overhangong branch and cut his head open so blood was dripping down his face, watching Tik-WTFok, even he said he's a dickhead, well, when your confessing your realisation, it's a start.
So anyway....
It's all BS to gather Data, that's all, if you know how, look how many sites want to know your business on a popular site....Try Yahoo, scummy site and I've just blocked 25 Sites that want to know what I'm looking at....Sorry but piss off, why do 25 other sites need to know what I'm doing there, I never actually use Yahoo and only a walnut would, but that's me, I'm just a nut.
Also if those who love it are so enamoured by the GDRP then why don't they implement it properly, NO site is allowed to restrict access if you choose to block all Cookies, no fancy Pop Ups to stop you reading what you want UNLESS you agree to Cookies, that's 'illegal' under GDRP or was last time I looked, but don't see anyone being told to stop it and bet no one has been prosecuted for breaking those Data Mining Rules, as that's all it is, a ploy to grab your don't even get a cut of the dough, cheeky f&$kers.
It's not even that hard to stop, as long as you can read and count your probably set, there are many levels though so be warned, it depends on how much time you want to spend setting up, what level of restrictions you want, treat each subject on it's own, Privacy, Data, Tracking, Ads.
My phone is set to block all cookies, except 1 site, there's SW out there that is easy to get to get to the same place, I only visit 2 sites (Not including the 1 that uses cookies) on my phone and occasionally a quick search, all 3 actions work as intended with no restrictions, when I use the Laptop at home, there is no hint of what I was doing on my phone but you know the stories of folk being shown Ads when they were searching for something on another device only hours before, well that's the modern www for you, data and tracking, through Cookies and other functions, look them up, you'll be surprised if you didn't already know, plus after all, my phone is just a phone.
Quick Tip: I turn off Wi-Fi on my phone when at home, some say Wi-Fi is more precise than GPS and can tell who you are with in the same room, think that's made up, nope, and did you know most modern Phones have tracking Hardwired into the device, partly because the phone technology requires sending requests to towers so they know when to use a different Tower, especially when moving but also for location.
Funny how the WWW worked before Cookies isn't it, a bit like 'Digital' TV Aerials, people were too stupid to realise that those old Terrestial Aerials still worked with DTV but all of a sudden you needed a 'Digital' one, it's smoke and mirrors and nonsense, we used DTV from a 30yr old Aerial in the loft covered in crud and still worked fine.
I personally don't use sites that cover the page with 'permissions', and have set it up to not even show the annoying Pop Ups/Overlays, some get through but no skin off my nose, there's no website really generally, that you need to use, as there's always an alternative.
Remember the good old days when Cookies weren't a thing, Oh no, how ever did websites work!!!
No matter what spin you read or BS (Marketing) is shoved in your face for 'Your' benefit, remember this, it's all crap falling from the mouths of conmen.
Afterthought: Funny how those who blurt about how dodgy 5G is and the Street Lights are from War Of The Worlds but don't mention we've had 5G in our Routers for years....Or did I miss that report?